I love love love the details in packaging... from the boxes and the shred, to the ribbon selection and tags. There is something very special to me about the way a product is packaged. When I make cookies... it's not about the sales, income goals (is that what it's called), meeting a certain quota...... it's about my mission of providing my customers a high quality product that is made with love!! I have such a passion for what I do!! I eat, sleep and dream of cookies ideas and creative interactive sets with family togetherness in mind!
I have the opportunity to work with a couple very talented and just purely awesome people, who share my creative enthusiasm!!!
My stencil bestie, Sharon from Stencil Expressions, (www.stencilexpressions.com) is amazing at bringing my ideas to fruition with custom stencils for pretty much anything you can imagine! We swap ideas all day long.... they are virtual planning sessions for now, but.... WE WILL have a girls retreat somewhere soon where we can spend all day long talking cookies, stencils, cutters, bows, tags, etc.... (It's in the works people... in the works)!!!
Jospeh, from Tagwaggle Custom Designs is my "Cutter Guy" go -to!!! He is local here in North Texas and just wonderful to work with! He can turn pretty much anything into a cookie cutter... and he has done it for me many a times! When you can say "hey I have another idea, and their response is.... "ok hit me with it", you know you're in good hands!
And then there's my baking buddy and fellow hot cocoa bomb factory manager.... Laurie from Whisk Confections (www.whiskconfections.com) who has taught me so so much!! Guys, this woman came along and walked me step by step through some serious learning curves! Her patience and joy for decorating is contagious ... and her cakes.... my oh my!!! Don't judge, but my husband and I single handedly finished our kids wedding cake on our own... like within 36 hours..... I'm telling you her cakes are AMAZING! It's extra cool that her daughter Susan, is a friend of mine and an exceptional cookier!!! Did I mention she has the coolest boys ever... as in I love hanging out with them? And yes, you'd better believe I was there the day the 2 youngest were born.... just a bit of inside information to better explain how special these two ladies are to me!
I share all of this with you to emphasize that I work with an amazing team of people!! While I own my own business, it's all about relationship........Relationship with my colleagues and customers... First and foremost... ALWAYS!!!! ALWAYS!!!! ALWAYS!!!!
This is why I place so much emphasis on packaging and the little details. This is an extra little something that tells my customers that what I make for them is special and that I put my whole self into it... from the big things to the little things...
So, add a pretty bow.... find a special tag... write a little note...
Take they few extra minutes to add a bit of personalization and love to what you do for others! This looks a little different for everyone, but find what that special thing you can do is and DO IT!!
Introducing the Bowdana!!! Makes making bow super simple!!!