This is what my rainy morning looked like today!!!! Happy happy, joy joy!
My cancer journey is far from over, but the scary part is past! I was given some amazing news this week! I will not be needing chemotherapy!!!!!! This unknown has been hanging like a dark cloud over my head since the day I received my diagnosis. Surprisingly enough, my double mastectomy didn't scare me at all, but chemo terrified me. I have been flying high since hearing this amazing new on Wednesday! So much so that, I momentarily forgot that I am till healing and have limited range of motion.... hello Julie.... only 6 weeks out of surgery.... But my "Wonder Women" alter ego took over. It didn't last long as my physical therapy started an hour later....lol! Yep, reality check! I have a ways to go, but by golly, each stretch and burn, makes stirring icing colors all the more of a reality. (You don't realize how much you use your pec muscles until they don't really stretch).
So this morning seemed a great time to make some dough and see what I can do! I made cookies a week ago, for the first time since July. I always make goodies for Lukes teachers and classmates, but for obvious reasons, haven't done so this school year.
It took way longer then usual to make the cute ghosts on a stick, but wow did it fill my love cup!
Whats on the agenda for this weekend you might ask? Im going to attempt to make snoopy pumpkin cookies for the kids! Tomorrow night is our annual "Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" Halloween party! I'll let you all know how it goes! If the cookies don't happen, that's ok... there will be popcorn, pizza, pumpkin carving, face mask making, photo props for kids, a "jack-o-lantern" hunt, and of course.... the outdoor movie showing of.... yep you guessed it.... "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown"! I love this time of year and am so very grateful that I feel well enough to celebrate Halloween with our neighbors!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend & happy Trick or Treating!